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Alas, no one did.
I'm almost flattered that it's become such a point of interest for you to follow me around and try to get me to play with you.
I had a puppy like that once.
Zooty = IP
Bland = >)

Is that a golden age reference there?
Zootybang Wrote:I'm almost flattered that it's become such a point of interest for you to follow me around and try to get me to play with you.
I had a puppy like that once.
Yes, I am following you around. Your inate lameness, an opinion reinforced by your lack of fellow member support, is a source of fascination for me. I wonder how people who lack any real sense of humor but are oblivious to the fact manage to function in social situations. You have helped me to see that they limp along in complete ignorance of the fact they suck. As a matter of fact , you manage to do just that and think that you are quite the opposite. Incredible! So please keep posting. I hope to someday form a collection of your posts that truly illustrate your ignorance to your own lack of social abilities and show them to the world in the hope that someone will form a foundation to help people such as yourself.
I only want to help.

Bland = Arpi

I stand corrected
Let me know when you guys get tired of that gag.
Don't hold your breath, slick

Edited By Doc on 1061685766
So now I am Slick.
I could call you 'sport' or maybe 'squirt' if you'd like
Quote:I could call you 'sport' or maybe 'squirt' if you'd like
I'm liking this Doc guy more and more.

Quote:ignorance to your own lack of social abilities
I'll ponder that little gem as i'm out with my real, live friends tonight.
Yes, your real , live friends. Rolleyes
Pages: 1 2