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George W Bush, I have been gone for the better part of a month and wanted to make sure that it was known I still despise the retro president.
rage against the machine brah
Hooray for the machine!
The good news is Hinckley is looking to get out. He says he is no longer insane.
Bush is running as a "compasionate conservative" in 2004

my bloods boiling and I should write an essay post on my hatred for him but I shall simply say

I hate Dubya!!!
I hope one day to become a member of the ruling class. It is my dream to be one of the faceless people that the downtrodden see on the street and openly despise just for the fact that I exist and somehow oppress them just by doing my daily activities.
I can make you faceless, fuckin bush supporter.
I still hate him too.

Worst. President. Ever.
I wanna see this essay
Do you think Bush has done a better or worse job than someone else could have to combat terrorism?

I think its tough to say. Has he gone to far? Are we simply giving our enemies more ammunition to attack us? Have his actions soiled our reputation in the world community? Are we safer today with Bush as president as opposed to if Gore had won? How would we be today with Gore in power?

Who the hell is going to lead us if we decide to move on from Bush in this next election?
GW got better grades in college than Gore did.

Look it up.
The 'War on Terrorism' is just a 'War on the Bill of Rights'. It has nothing to do with getting the 'Evil Doers'. Just another hijacking of the God given rights on all Americans. Bush and Company are using this so called war to advance their own agenda for oil and power.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Look at that douche bag Ashcroft stumping for more Unconstitutional laws, a.k.a. VICTORY ACT or PATRIOT ACT II. They want more power and less oversight or even any checks or balances for their power grab.

Look for more 'terrorism' in the near future as they need something to happen to advance their 'laws'. Things are not always as clear as they seem.
yea everything is a goddamn conspiracy to the liberals
you idiots and your obsession with Oil. If this was about oil we would have seized their oil fields 10 years ago.

If this was about oil, we would have made Kuwait give us preferential treatment for saving their asses.
Velociti Wrote:yea everything is a goddamn conspiracy to the liberals
I do not consider myself a 'liberal'.

I'm a Libertarian, get it right assfuck.

And Galt if it's not about oil then where are the WMD?
its not about the WMD's its about combatting terrorism. you think Saddam wasn't helping terror cells around the world attack America and their allies?

my problem is that the government decided to make this about WMDs when they could have just as easily sold this as a war on terrorism. im more comfortable with that.
What about the CIA. They have to take some responsibility over the whole terrorism thing since they are the one's who put Saddam in power and helped him during the Iraq/Iran war. Same with the Taliban fucks and all the other unknown things they have done in the name of America.
The "war" on terrorism is just another "war" on drugs.

to call it a war is pointless, wars end at some point.

It's not just Bush honestly, it's the whole goverment. The sad part is I don't see anyone in the democratic party worthy.

Maybe the war on terrorism coulda been worthy if instead of focusing hundreds of FBI agents to examine stains on blue dresses to bring down clinton. If they were focused on returning calls to flight schools and investigating worthy causes.

We as a people are fucked because no one questions things outside their own domiciles anymore.
i agree gonzo, but at the same time we need to protect ourselves somehow. they also needs to be some quantifiable way to know we are making progress. is that simply knowing we havent been attacked in X number of days? is it a pack of playing cards? will we ever been completely free of a terror threat, i dont think so. but that doesnt mean that we do nothing. what is the proper course of action, well that i dont know either. sometimes you have to do things that may seem wreckless in the eyes of the world, but if your enemy is just as wreckless don't you have to show the same disregard so they can't guess your next move?
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