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what do you do for them?
Why do you want to know? I am not gonna give you enough info to start harassing me at work.
Keyser isn't like that he just wants to grow his money.
Quote:arpikarhu: you are the bridge and tunnel trash that we all laugh at on weekends

B&T...I get it
Doc has explained most of the references for me. I still don't get how its supposed to be funny busting my balls when I didn't get the references. Anyway, Thanks to Doc.
Bland Wrote:Doc has explained most of the references for me. I still don't get how its supposed to be funny busting my balls when I didn't get the references. Anyway, Thanks to Doc.
Damnit son, you weren't supposed to tell them I told you. Great, now I'm the guy that ruined the joke by telling the girl it was actually a pig party.

How am I ever going to build my street cred now?
Doc Wrote:
Bland Wrote:Doc has explained most of the references for me. I still don't get how its supposed to be funny busting my balls when I didn't get the references. Anyway, Thanks to Doc.
Damnit son, you weren't supposed to tell them I told you. Great, now I'm the guy that ruined the joke by telling the girl it was actually a pig party.

How am I ever going to build my street cred now?
Get popped for DUI.
Can't I just get arrested for spray painting my name somewhere?
That only works for the teenyboppers.
Doc Wrote:
Quote:arpikarhu: you are the bridge and tunnel trash that we all laugh at on weekends

B&T...I get it
oh yeah, so i asked the irish bartender at work yesterday. black and tan is guinness and bass, guinness and harp is called a half and half. snakebite is actually cider and harp and a black velvet is guinness with champagne or cider.
im just trying to test your knowledge of your job, i dont think you work for them.
Great the thread I had some funny posts in is now gone, I had been saving those golden nuggets for a month.
Keyser Soze Wrote:im just trying to test your knowledge of your job, i dont think you work for them.
Let me check.

Wait just a minute.

It is in here somewhere.

Hmm, no , that's not it.

AHA! Here it is! So sorry, my care meter is at zero.
you so abused the dramatic pause, you should hang your head in shame.
You like Tupac. Right back at ya.
so do millions of others

but you abused the dramatic pause, comparing a personal like to your abuse of the pause makes the crime even worse since you tried to somehow validate yourself with the comparison and try to ignore the abuse.

you are a horrible man, take a minute and think about the direction your life is taking at this minute. Have you accepted jesus christ as your lord and savior yet?
Jesus was a fag!
This is where I ask you to say the Pledge of Allegiance and you can't so you have to leave my front porch?

Edited By Doc on 1062013965
Quote:Jesus was a fag!

you have redeemed yourself in my eyes, go forth and prosper.
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