Full Version: Mike Patton and Rahzel
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Pages: 1 2
not the official one of course. the official one had red writing. Rolleyes
I think it was just a different version. Like how the original gun was gray, then they made red ones. And the kids with the gray ones would show them off cause they bought nintendo before it was hip and trendy.
I don't know what the power glove is.

But I usually get so high and drunk before concerts I could be standing on the stage and not remember it.
i bet galt has the e-pill hookup
I'm just fibbing about the drug thing to fit in.
I love the Power Glove, It's so bad.
Galt Wrote:seriously. Mike Patton = ?????????????????/
you are dead to me
Mike Patton for pope.
If you could HEAR an abstract painting, it would probably sound like him.
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