Full Version: I had a sharp booger in my nose
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Well, this is it. Post ten thousand two hundred twenty two...
Does this mean you're leaving too? If so, can I get your parking space? :thumbs-up:

Damn it!!! Now I have to pick a new number to stop at.
How about 10224? Just say 'yes' and I won't have to park in East Bumblefuck anymore
10223 is good, no?
Well, shit on me I done passed that too!
what happens when you get to post 10000? is there like a special prize? im sooooo close!!!!
If you had no special status, it would say Chris Elliot just like it says Drunken Fuck for people who reach 100.

I don't know who or why that is.
I never found Chris Elliot to be funny.
You didn't like Cabin Boy?
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I'd rather watch the Oxygen channel than Cabin Boy.
Chris Elliot was only funny in Scary Movie 2. That movie sucked. He sucks, but those scenes with him and the gimp arm killed me.

And no. He was not funny in Something About Mary
What about Osmossis Jones?
He was allright in Groundhog Day.

Which is a great movie.
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