Full Version: I am having the yummiest nesquik
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yet I can't fully enjoy it cause I miss sleeper. Undecided
god this is so fuckin good... forgive me sleeper.
Chocolate, strawberry, or (blech) bannana?
I have a thing for black women.
they lactate chocolate milk?
I will put some in the fridge for Sunday.
I would fuckin have a harem if they did, fuck what my mother thinks about inter-racial dating.
Black women?

Is that still legal? Cool. :thumbs-up:
the best sex you will ever have is with a black woman.
what? whats going on sunday? why am i being left out again??? :disappointed:
Spics I hear are a close second.
spics give the best head.

Hi alkey :lookatme:
Don't tell Keyser about Sunday!
pffft, im watching football sunday anyway. jerks!!!!!!!
oh god sunday will be the best ever!!!
I prefer Tang. See to the Tang stores please.
I never had a Tang, though those Tang sandwiches the Bundy's always had made my mouth water.
You must have a Tang if you're a citrus type. If not you will just barf it up, no harm done.

Astronauts also eat Tang sammiches.
I never had tang or kool-aid, I did have kool-aid once when I was like 6 but I don't remember what it was like.
tang is essentially orange kool aid
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