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Rabies pshaw. I'm more afraid of what most men carry.

I had a bat hanging from my canopy bed when I was little. Hung right upside down by his fingers just like they say. I didn't know he was there til I got in & he flew at me. I thought he was neat. My stepdad flattened him with a broom.

I'm still in therapy. You guys are all bad for my sense of inner peace
They make a lovely soup if it makes you feel any better.
It does, thank you. I imagine they taste faintly of cinnamon.

I like to kill many-legged insects because of how they all keep trying to go
i have a millipeed problem. i don't know where thye come from. i have no roaches or mice which plaugued me in muy own apartent, now just once in a while millipeedes, ad you whack em theyh disintregrate, i just donm' tknowwhat to do to prevent them
Maybe they're having a shoe convention! MBOP!!!
I hope you get rid of them. One ran on me while I was sleeping once. Now I'm afraid of the dark. They're like little machine guns when they run.
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