Full Version: Cdih tagline contest
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Pages: 1 2
Why are you guys doing taglines in here? There's a whole different thread for that.
Maynard Wrote:Why are you guys doing taglines in here? There's a whole different thread for that.
I couldn't find it past all the fuckin link threads you started spamming other websites.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Maynard Wrote:Why are you guys doing taglines in here? There's a whole different thread for that.
I couldn't find it past all the fuckin link threads you started spamming other websites.
What are you saying?
Maynard Wrote:Why are you guys doing taglines in here? There's a whole different thread for that.
CDIH: Its a madhouse, A MADHOUSE!!!!!!
cdih:Where the men are men, and the women are disgusted by them.
We even hate ourselves.
cdih: suck it! you twat!
cdih: we eat the yellow snow
Beware of the Imposter Pope!
Avoid the false pontiff!
CDIH: We get replies to our polls
CDIH : Rape her then spit on her.
CDIH II: The Return Of The Alkey
Sephiroth Wrote:CDIH : Rape her then spit on her.
CDIH - Punch & Pie at our parties
cdih: crack is good for the soul
Pages: 1 2