Full Version: And we have a new Batman - Quite a surprise too...
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Christian Bale, of American Psycho fame, has been cast as the Caped Crusader for the next installment which is scheduled to start filming in Feb. The movie is going to be directed by Christopher Nolan, of memento fame. It was thought that since he was directing the movie, Guy Pierce has a shot of being batman, but thank god he didn't get the part. I just don't see him as a batman type. Bale has all the look of a Bruce Wayne type, let's just hope he can don the cape successfully and let's pray he has a decent script to work with. No word yet on the baddie, but the buzz is it will be Scarecrow.
sounds mildly interesting. would be really cool if they made batman darker and american psycho-esque
eh I dunno about this one, I can't really see him as Batman.

But then again I thought Tobey Macguire wouldnt be a good spider-man and he was perfect.
I was Christian Bale.

Quote:Holy Bale, Batman! Variety reports that Christian Bale, star of American Psycho and Laurel Canyon, has been tapped to play Batman in Christopher Nolan's reworking of the Caped Crusader saga, set for a 2005 release; the official announcement came Wednesday afternoon from Warner Bros. Bale bested a slew of hot young actors for the part, most notably Jake Gyllenhaal, Joshua Jackson, Cillian Murphy, and Eion Bailey, all of whom also tested for the role of the comic book hero. Nolan, best known for the indie thriller Memento, is slated to direct the film (currently known as Batman 5) early next year from a script by David Goyer, writer of the Blade films. --Prepared by IMDb staff
welcome to 3 days ago Rolleyes
are there gonna be any sidekicks?
sleeper, you wanna try merging topics? i think you might be ready...
pfft, my thread rules more than the one I didnt see.
merge my face
with what?
it was a figure of speech, like "merge my ass!!" only i put face cause that's what i do.
so, are you not gonna do it?
no, I don't see the harm in this subject having it's own thread rather than just being mentioned in the other one.
this subject has it's own thread and it is the other one. so which is it? too lazy or you don't know how?
oh i didn't see the other one
you broke it

nevermind, i guess it just needed to be posted in again

Edited By crx girl on 1063514539
yeah, besides, my subject line was better.
I fucking hate you.
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