Full Version: That's it... - I'm taking over.
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I'm drinking right now. I love days off. I just waste them in a haze of coors light.
It was going pretty good too, until my dog started pissing blood and i had to drive her to the animal hospital with a good buzz going. I had to stand far back from the vet so he wouldn't smell the beer and assume i was a drunk redneck who beats my dog.
What a good daddy. Be careful driving around though. How's your puppy?
I voted for zootybang!
Thanks pal.
I wont know how the puppy is until tomorrow. Although she's not a puppy. she's like 8 or something. This sucks in 2 ways. If she's really sick, it sucks that she might die, and if she's not, it sucks that i'm probably gonna blow 600 bucks to find out she's okay.
But i do have a new puppy, a border collie. So if worse comes to worse, i still have one good dog.
You'll always have me, i'm housebroken, please let me live with you.
Do you chew couches?
only leather.
Cool. I only have that cheap upholstery stuff.
As long as that pink, slimey, lipstick thing doesn't keep popping out from your crotch, you're in.
all I need is a little space in the corner for my things.
i decided that i was not going to drink until friday this week, i made it 2 days, i think that's not bad, and it's not like i got wasted tonight. but events happen and people happen too. anyway i hope your pooch is ok. that slimey lipstick thing can be fixed, although i still feel bad about it, and it is highly amusing to see, especially on a kitty.
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