Full Version: Yeah, so remember Sex for Sam?
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this is so last week....
im getting reports that theres been a shooting in dallas
this is the golden age guys.
nixon resigned!!!
letterman just started a joke about it...
"if you remember last year a couple was caught having sex in st patricks cathedral..."

and then some guy in the audience screamed "YEAH!"

so he just said "thank you father" and didnt finish his joke.

thats all
remember when Letterman used to be funny?
remember when O&A were funny?
yes, I do.
remind me
letterman still is funny. maybe you're thinking of wait...he never was funny. um...dana carvey..thats who you are thinking of.
O&A are not even in the same comedy universe as Letterman. They had a wacky radio show for a few years. Letterman has been funny since some of us were in diapers.
I never said he wasn't ever funny, I just asked if anyone remembers when he was funny. It seems so long ago.

Conan > everyone else.
I agree, Conan rules.