Full Version: Shower or Bath?
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yea I really hate when people actually respond to a topic like this
I mean it. Whoever is in charge of the internet should turn it off right now.
I've masturbated while taking a bath, you ain't lived till you seen the oddity that is cum shooting from your penis while it's under water.

But a bath is nice once in a while, not for purposes of cleaning yourself but just relaxing with a nice hot soak.
i don't have a tub, so shower, but for the occasional relaxation and/or hot sex baths are good. of course i always shower to rinse off after a bath.
shower. baths are yucky.
Hot sex baths?
No good for a few reasons.
-Doggy style is out of the question due to knee to porcelain pain.
-Guys always get the spout end of the tub.
crx girl Wrote:i don't have a tub, so shower, but for the occasional relaxation and/or hot sex baths are good. of course i always shower to rinse off after a bath.
So you have to clean yourself off after cleaning yourself off? On what planet is this logical?

Plus, doesn't it get cold
i don't think of the bath so much for cleaning more for resting.
Dare I ask what you do in your bed, if you rest in the tub?
well, as i said before, i don't have a bathtub so i only take them very occasionally. so, it's more of a luxury, besides, you do get clean, but the soap stays in the water so i rinse off in the shower after, i didn't think that was particularly weird of me.
I'd be scared at the thought of something that YOU found weird.
i find lots of things weird
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