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Danked can be our Non. But I'm still Ursa.
isn't goatweed ursa?

Edited By HedCold on 1065587610
You were suppose to be Non, I'm Ursa, and Goat was Zod. He's just gotta get his story straight.
I'm straight, and Danked would make an excellent Non.
But, if Danked joins us, see, he likes being Zod, which means Goat would be Non, but I'd still be Ursa. Hmm..
I'm giving the screen two thumbs down right now
who's gonna be Jae-la?
shut up!

so is Danked in? He's been to Staten Island, so he's a native as far as I'm concerned.
can someone explain the relevance of this topic to an uneducated newbie like myself........
you had to be in the chat room that night to fully appreciate it.

it would probably make more sense if you were from Staten Island, too.

Edited By Goatweed on 1065588901
:12: hmpf
the concept is summed up nicely on pg 1 though...
ya, you don't have to think too hard about it. This isn't trying to be post modern or anything, it's just , well, Shaolin All-Stars? I mean, is the concept not clear?????
apparently not - better for us, I say! We'll roll over all those who stand in our way!
The Jays Wrote:ya, you don't have to think too hard about it. This isn't trying to be post modern or anything, it's just , well, Shaolin All-Stars? I mean, is the concept not clear?????
ok i can see someone's moody...........

when i ask a question all i want in return is an answer

i got my answer. went back re-read the first page, i'm cool now. :thumbs-up:

no need to get all huffy
thats why he's ursa
Argh, these newbies! They can't differentiate between when I'm actually upset and when I'm talking out of my ass!
actually i'm bored outta my fucking mind........keep going i need entertainment
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