Full Version: I have a headache - ...
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anyone else? Could this day possibly move any slower?

I do, you could powder your dick with aspirin :10:
It might be a tumor.
Most people don't believe me when I say this, but it's true...

I've never had a headache in my life. Well, with the exception of a champagne hangover headache on New Year's Day.

My hot pants are riding up a bit
Hey Ladi Wrote::lookatme:

I do, you could powder your dick with aspirin :10:
that head doesn't ache, at least not in that way - got any aspirin I can borrow? :-p

I took 3 Alleve, this stuff is supposed to kick-in within 20 minutes, let's see if it does.

Nothing is helping the day go by faster, however.
You could always go into the bathroom and pull at your pants for a bit. If you need some motivation, Britanney Spears has a slutty spread in Esquire this month
I don't even wanna piss in the bathrooms here...
No...not piss, silly

You know, do that thing that makes Jesus cry

Edited By Doc on 1066423672
i have a really bad headache. it started last night from all the freaking out during the game. i need a nap.
oh, I know exactly what you meant - the "setting" wouldn't work though, even if I had Britney in there with me.

Ok, maybe it would if she were in there, but since that'll never happen just accept that it wouldn't work.
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Come on, don't quit on me now. We don't quit at halftime. Get in there and start flogging</span>
headache is still here, doesn't seem to be easing up Undecided
Excedrin usually works well for me, it has a little caffine in it that dialates the blood vessels in your brain. Brings that pressure in your melon down a bit. I'd suggest getting a cup of coffee or tea if the Aleve isn't doing squat
I did the coffee, still nothing. I think I need a stronger cup, like some BlueBerry Creme - but I gotta wait until I get back to SI for that.

More on this as the night progresses, I'll keep you all posted.
this is a nailbiter right here
Isn't it though?

I'm fascinated.
This makes Game 7 feel like Green Eggs and Ham. Does the fun ever start?

The pain has seriously subsided, those Alleve pills really worked - they just took longer then 20 minutes, but hey, no complaints. All is well.

In summary - pain is gone, Alleve is good.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled posting.
Crapola. It went away already? Guess I lost the pool
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