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In the future, everything will be sent by robots, and then later on in the future, everything will arrive via tubes, and later on after that, stuff will just materialize at your front door, and later on after that, we'll be a part of the Matrix.
I don't think that tube thing is feasable. Just imagine the complexity of setting up a tube system. It would be like setting up an entire new phone network. But with tubes. How would they be cleaned?
See, it's in the future, so we don't need to worry about those lil details right now. Just know that there will be a tube system, it will be feasible, and they will always be clean. Have faith, my friend.
you can soap up a bunch of gerbils and send them through the tubes, then flood them with water to clean off the soap and dispose of the gerbils.

we may need to start cloning gerbils though.
See, if we had Mogwai, the water would just replicate them, and we would have an endless supply.

Sadly, that was just a movie, but I'm glad we have people like Gonzo thinking up new ideas.
I'm on it like black on rice!!!!
and then just flood all the houses? Plus all the soapy dirty water would be everwhere. It would be so germ ridden.

What would be better is some genetically engineered bug that would eat all the food and dirt in the tubes, then leave them perfectly clean.

Alas, the point is moot though because this would be a giant undertaking, too large to ever occur.
It is pretty silly to be honest, next thing you'll come up with is that the world is round and you won't fall off the edge if you go west in search of the indies.
I believe that nanotechnology will solve our problems. I mean, look what it did for the world in Virtuosity? A real life version of RUSSEL CROWE! AS A SERIAL KILLER!
only Ricochet was a less realistic Denzel Washington movie.
We need nanotech gerbils.
Galt Wrote:only Ricochet was a less realistic Denzel Washington movie.
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Quote:You should just install a doggie door in your apartment where the delivery people can slide the food in without even having to make eye contact.
when i get a house i'm installing a doggie door
Joobies will be upset when she finds out you won't let her use the regular door.
Quote:So start a company like Dining in where you get places like McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, et al to outsource their deliveries to you. Of course you'd probably need a headcount of about 1000 people who work non-stop to cover all the dispersion of franches just in the city. And you'd also need to charge like a $5 delivery fee to make it profitable so people don't buy $1.50 worth of donuts and give a .50 tip.

they had a service like this where i used to live 15 years ago. they had a bunch of places you could get food at deli's, restaurants, grocery stores. i used it all the time. they weren't in business very long but it was fun while it lasted.

i still think it's a good idea but it has some major problems.
There was one around here for a little while. A few friends used to work for them. Called Go-Getters.
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