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the CKY Infiltrate Destroy Rebuild Video DVD with a video for every song and 3 hours of live stuff, backstage and more :5:
they have something called cky3. it appears to be some type of jackass type of thing. is this so?
there are 4 cky dvds (not including the video album i just mentioned which is completely different...its only the band not jackass stuff)
the 4 cky dvds, cky, cky2k, cky3, and cky4 spawned jackass. they are much more hardcore. there are other videos that helped create jackass as well...big brother magazine put out a bunch of videos but last i checked, its kinda hard to get a hand on them
i've had a subscription since september, but it started slowing down now. the distribution place is in stamford(45 minutes from my school), but now its taking the better part of a week to get one, while it used to be three days
Nevermind, hitflix is shit. I have to e-mail them a week after signing up because they haven't sent me anything, then they finally send me the #5 movie in my queue (when 2 of the other 4 WERE available), but the fucking disc is not only copy protected but also unplayable altogether in 1 player and 2 drives. I clean it, try again and the first 4 chapters are still unplayable. Sure they have porn, but that's what an ftp server is for anyway. Netflix rules, hitflix can suck it.

I will return this DVD with some complimentary pubic hair, and cancel my free 15-day trial membership. What an utter disappointment.
Quote:the main reason i never rent movies is because i hate to leave the house, now i don't have to.


im about instant gratification when i want to see a dvd. i dont plan 2-3 days ahead to see one, i just hop to the video store and get it.
I've been waiting for bad boys 2 for 5 damn days. Fucking post office sucks.
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