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I guess the bandwagon had some mechanical problems. Everyone off while we try to figure out the problem.
choo choo!
Ok people, everyone back on, we've discovered the problem. There was a whiny bitch named Corey Dillon holding us back, but we've stuck a new Rudi Johnson on the problem and we are ready to go again. ALLLLLLLLL ABOOOOOOOOOOOOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Bengals will defeat the Chiefs

...then lose to the Chargers.
If they are so good, how come the guy in my league starting Kitna, Chad Johnson, and Corey Dillon is in last place?
cause corey dillon hasn't played the last few games and that guy is still starting him thus he is a moron.
well. No. He's not starting him now. He's starting Marcel Shipp. So there goes your theory.
Galt Wrote:well. No. He's not starting him now. He's starting Marcel Shipp. So there goes your theory.
There's your answer, anyone who would draft John Kitna and Marcel Shipp on the same team deserves to be in last place
convinced yet?
I have picked 1 game correctly of the last 25 against the spread. How is that possible?
if you picked the chiefs you are a moron
It's the fucking Bengals.
1st place bengals
Browns go to the playoffs from that division. Without looking at their schedule, I can say they don't lose again this year with Holcomb at the helm.
you're basing this off a game against the cardinals?
i'm gonna slap you on saturday
im so close to taking first place away from joobie do'ers
hines ward better suck tonight
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