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Sean promised to let me have ownership of the board if the Bengals went 9-7 last year.
I was never in the drama - always on the outside, looking in.

Seph should post more, he's missed Undecided
me neither. it's been like so quiet out there.
i'm always the last to know about anything. especially when i'm involved
does cdih actually have any real drama? i just thought everything that happened was a result of people being babies.
Silence is dramatic.
Quote:does cdih actually have any real drama? i just thought everything that happened was a result of people being babies.

my guess is the bigger stuff nobody really knows about outside a few peeps.
probably not all that exciting anyway
one time hybrid told me new msi songs leaked and wouldn't dl them for me. i was soooo sad

Hybrid Wrote:probably not all that exciting anyway
:wgaf: true. :wgaf:

or is it? :-o

OR WILL WE? :19:
Drama is fun, but at times unnecessary. I am usually the last to hear about it. So many twists and turns and intricacies and stuff. Good times, good times.
one time I spilled water on Danked's lap. Things were never the same between us. :24:
Rotten bastard.
I urinated in Sleeper's bathtub once, but he was kneeling inside it facing me naked with his mouth open, so it's all good. But some other people are just too conservative.
like droplets of heaven
i remember sean telling me a story about how he locked himself outside of his house. i dont know if it was true though. either way it was a good story.
The Jays Wrote:I urinated in Sleeper's bathtub once, but he was kneeling inside it facing me naked with his mouth open, so it's all good. But some other people are just too conservative.
i don't suppose you were sitting on his toilet testing out that shit/piss theory were ya?
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