Full Version: Bill of rights - our rights
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Quote:Edited by AdolescentMasturbator on Jan. 15 2002,8:23
I am flabbergasted.
yes i wonder AM
I swear it wasn't me. It's all a Bolshevik conspiracy started by Bart.
like i said last night, damn that AMatu
AM stop ur commie retorich i will bring u up on charges i will charge u as being a commie
Oh come on it's not like Marxist-Leninism ever hurt anybody.
Well uh yeah...they killed jews u jew hater!! :oh yeah:
That's it I'm labeling you an enemy of the party wait I mean enemy of the people.
be my guest
No, really, I mean it, I have the posters bill of rights around here somewhere.

Where the fuck did I put the damn things?
Sean Cold Wrote:No, really, I mean it, I have the posters bill of rights around here somewhere.

Where the fuck did I put the damn things?
Did'nt you use it to wipe your ass with, the other day? :bouncer:
"You have the right to remain stupid-ass geek motherfuckers."

Two cookies to the first person to guess where the quote is from...
idk from KID????
Kid Afrika Wrote:"You have the right to remain stupid-ass geek motherfuckers."

Two cookies to the first person to guess where the quote is from...
The police when they came over your house last night?
bzzzzzzzzzzt!!! wrong, try again dumbass!
Quote:Two cookies to the first person to guess where the quote is from...

i have no idea, but can i have a cookie anyway? Big Grin
I can longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist perversion and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids!!
Bartman, if you keep talking like a AOL-er, I will rip out your stomach and wear it as a hat.
wouldn't it be easier to have a bill of wrongs? :crossbones:
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