Full Version: A story about class pictures
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but you never got the laser background, so it was all for nothing.
I thought you would all console me, i hate you all.
at least you dont poop your pants
why didn't you just go stand in the cool line and when the pictures came, just say oops, there must've been some kind of mistake, oh well guess we have to pay for the laser background now.
I skipped the yearbook and class picture stuff, I got drunk with my spic friends that day and ended up pissing off the overpass onto the belt parkway. Then throwing up in the UA theatre while seeing Rumble in the bronx with jackie chan.
crx girl Wrote:why didn't you just go stand in the cool line and when the pictures came, just say oops, there must've been some kind of mistake, oh well guess we have to pay for the laser background now.
way to tell me this 13 years later :angry:
I thought you were a rebel, fuck the conformists and their school pictures!!!!!
this was in 2nd grade! I just wanted to fit in :29:
The seeds for your non conformity could be traced back to that one moment in time.
This must be where your love for all things sucky comes from.
it's probably more like where my cheap jewness comes from
in laymans terms that what I meant.
I like the way Gonzo worded it better.
too bad I already used the jerkstore line today
Have you used the ShittyPants store line yet?
if only i could work both fucking shelle and pooping your pants into a single knockout zinger!
I prefer pudding pants.
Use a bowl, animal.
I shant abide by your rules just cause they say so!!!!!
I'm stealing your sig.
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