Full Version: move over macho man
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Oh my God. I am so pysched that I want to punch my mother in the face!!!!!!
old news
This is so 6 months ago.
but its relevant since the cd comes out soon...
i mean, it just came out a few weeks ago...yea
If you wanted to be relevant then you woulda posted about the cd John Cena is releasing next year, since he is also a wrestler.

His album is titled "Basic Thuganomics" I think. I read about it in the new XXL.
I predict it will be awful.
I predict your prediction will ring true.
don't they all?
John Cena is tryin to get collaboraters such as Jay-Z and Canibus, for some reason they turned him down.
I can't imagine why - the man is such a talent! In & out of the ring, no less!!!