Full Version: Come celebrate my Birthday with me
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Sean Cold Wrote:You no make me feel special, no special at all.
Ok, Ok! Your hair is longer than mine! :roltflmao:
LunaBabe Wrote:
Quote:You no make me feel special, no special at all.
Ok, Ok! Your hair is longer than mine! :roltflmao:
Your damn right it is.

Now I see a Bar 9 thread here, does that Mean Brother Joe is going to start plugging his shit here too? YAY! :bouncer:

as long as I am not dead Friday, I am there, but, Bar 9?

That is so 5 minutes ago, we need a place to just fuckin defile anew!
Well, if there are any suggestions for other places I am all ears.
Lets all hang out in the parking lot and smoke cigarettes like we all did in High School.

Then we can burn the fucker RIGHT THE FUCK DOWN.
Sephiroth Wrote:Lets all hang out in the parking lot and smoke cigarettes like we all did in High School.

Then we can burn the fucker RIGHT THE FUCK DOWN.
Well, I am going to be 16, ya know.
sorry, can't make event on Sat in NJ of all places.

Sorry, fucking gearhead that I am, I'm going to be in Detroit for the mother of all auto shows this weekend. Have a happy one
Parties? We don't need no stinkin parties...

Anyway, I'll be at the Dream Theater show in NYC Saturday...but Happy Birthday Guys!!!! :real good: :bouncer: :bouncer: :fuggin:
well, thats that for me. If spit is not coming, well, it is just not a birthday for me! Cry
Quote:If spit is not coming, well, it is just not a birthday for me! Cry

:eek: Guilt Trip Alert!!! :running at mouth:
Nah, not guilt, you chose sluggo anyway, bitch, so there! :p

You know, I bet if I hope against hope enough though, my real pallies woiuld come.

Did anyone invite RottenBerry yet?
Sean Cold Wrote:Nah, not guilt, you chose sluggo anyway, bitch, so there! :p

You know, I bet if I hope against hope enough though, my real pallies woiuld come.

Did anyone invite RottenBerry yet?
Doing it right now as I type this, also Tequiza. :p :roltflmao:
Sean Cold Wrote:Did anyone invite RottenBerry yet?
If she's not coming neither am I. Shit who will I have to talk to?

Quote:Pssssst...It is also Sean's birthday on the 18th so, come on out!!!

AHEM!!!!! since it will also be mine, I am there.

Ok so it's gonna be luna, sean and I.... hmmm if sluggo comes I say we go for the Hojo's.
Quote:Ok so it's gonna be luna, sean and I.... hmmm if sluggo comes I say we go for the Hojo's.

Quote:Well, if there are any suggestions for other places I am all ears.

ESPN ZONE? :fuckin:
Now would I miss your birthday's?

Not a fuckin chance.

WE need a place that more fits us. Like the Slaughtered Lamb.
if we are looking for a place to fit us, there is always Bronx State. They have big padded rooms and custom jackets for all! :crossbones:
Sean Cold Wrote:if we are looking for a place to fit us, there is always Bronx State. They have big padded rooms and custom jackets for all! :crossbones:
That might be even better Sean.
we could always just go to my place :real good:
Quote:we could always just go to my place :real good:
Is that your way of saying "I'm too broke & lazy to go anywhere and people seem to always wind up at my house anyway"?

Edited By FNMoron on Jan. 16 2002 at 10:04
yeah, pretty much
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