Full Version: Music that puts you to sleep?
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Do any of you put on any type of music when you need help falling asleep? What kind (genre, specific band) do you put on? I usually can't sleep unless its completely quiet, but I was just curious, and its topical being that I can't fall asleep.
Brahm's Lullaby Confusedleeper:
Sarah McLachlin
Loreena McKennitt & Sade (nice, mellow stuff)
Sade, excellent choice! Sade is GREAT music to F to as well.
Enya or Clannad
Hey Ladi Wrote:Enya or Clannad
Clannad.........I thought I was the only one that liked them. I discovered them on a VW commercial. :thumbs-up:
LunaBabe Wrote:
Hey Ladi Wrote:Enya or Clannad
Clannad.........I thought I was the only one that liked them. I discovered them on a VW commercial. :thumbs-up:
Sorry, but if they are on a VW television commercial, they are way beyond 'discovered' Wink

I know, i know, YOU discovered them(as in heard them for the first time).
I always go to sleep to either my local shit radio station or I pop in Deftones or Pantera.
Nothing aids my sleep better than the soothing sounds of Gwar.
Enya is definitely very relaxing..
Though I don't have any myself, one of my college roommates would put a CD of Whalesong in to sleep to... strangely enough, it was very soothing
Based on your suggestions, I think I'll put on some Killswitch or Cyndi Lauper tonite, thanks.
I've fallen asleep to ...and the circus left town before :p

for someone reason Dream Theater-Images and Words is soothing enough for me to fall asleep to

Tori Amos
Seriously now,

Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan
Dave Matthews
Alice-n-Chains - Unplugged Album, Especially "Brother"
Dave Matthews would give me nightmares