Full Version: Arpi's back!
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Look quick or you'll miss it.
Quote:>Goatweed >diceisgod >Arpikarhu >Paper Boy

in case anyone denies it...

the cell's are open - be sure to stop by and say "hi"!
oh well
I missed it.

You should take him out of the fucking cell. That's retarded. At least let him read what people write about him.
arpikarhu: I can log in but cant view the forums.
SoupSoupAD: and you're telling me this because?
arpikarhu: you are a mod. fix it
SoupSoupAD: fuck off
arpikarhu: do your job douchebag
SoupSoupAD: hypocrate
arpikarhu: if you are going to call me names at least learn how to spell them. now fix it MOD
arpikarhu: And I have done nothing hypocritical.....yet
SoupSoupAD: sorry webster
arpikarhu: i accept your apology.
arpikarhu: is it fixed yet?
SoupSoupAD: if you want to be reinstated, you'll need gonzo's approval first, and i never apologized to you
arpikarhu: you just did
SoupSoupAD: no i didnt
arpikarhu: "sorry webster"
SoupSoupAD: ha
arpikarhu: Apology accepted
SoupSoupAD: you're still going to need to talk to gonzo
arpikarhu: This has been fun. toodles.
SoupSoupAD: i can't reinstate you unless he approves
Quote:You should take him out of the fucking cell. That's retarded.

He requested to be removed from the board - we don't delete anyone, but when people do this (see Grumpy, Lent, etc.) they get put into Cell 2. If he wants back, he needs to talk to the boss.
Quote:If he wants back, he needs to talk to the boss.

It's ok let him back.
The least you MODs could do is make sure the cells are open... sheesh.
they were!!
They weren't.
I opened them and posted there myself!

I blame my dialup.
Keyser Soze Wrote:arpikarhu: I can log in but cant view the forums.
SoupSoupAD: and you're telling me this because?
arpikarhu: you are a mod. fix it
SoupSoupAD: fuck off
arpikarhu: do your job douchebag
SoupSoupAD: hypocrate
arpikarhu: if you are going to call me names at least learn how to spell them. now fix it MOD
arpikarhu: And I have done nothing hypocritical.....yet
SoupSoupAD: sorry webster
arpikarhu: i accept your apology.
arpikarhu: is it fixed yet?
SoupSoupAD: if you want to be reinstated, you'll need gonzo's approval first, and i never apologized to you
arpikarhu: you just did
SoupSoupAD: no i didnt
arpikarhu: "sorry webster"
SoupSoupAD: ha
arpikarhu: Apology accepted
SoupSoupAD: you're still going to need to talk to gonzo
arpikarhu: This has been fun. toodles.
SoupSoupAD: i can't reinstate you unless he approves
How dare you post his IM. I've leaving the board. Plus i need trim. Catch you all later
seriously, trim is the worst term ever
This is very funny.
HedCold Wrote:seriously, trim is the worst term ever
virginal prude
yes, and you are much man
why thank you. are you trying to butter me up to give up my gloryhole?
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