Full Version: what is your all time favorite song?
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What about Angel by Massive Attack? Probably even better for the stalking and killing of helpless prey.
what about Black Betty?

and Me and Julio is a pretty good tune too. But I'm partial to Kodachrome.
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oh man, it's a tie between everlong and poison, this one is going down to the wire.
is this an experiment or do you actually like all those songs? i chose in my eyes under duress but my all time favorite might be imagine by john lennon.
It's better when sung by Sam Beckett
Keyser Soze Wrote:is this an experiment or do you actually like all those songs? i chose in my eyes under duress but my all time favorite might be imagine by john lennon.
those are probably my favorite 10 songs although a few of them can be interchangable with others. Since my musical taste is supreme, this is just a poll to see what is indeed the best song of all time.
i like how february stars melts into everlong on the album.
no votes for stairway to heaven, you are all so edgy and different!
Of this list it'd be Everlong...but 3 Libras by A Perfect Circle is better than everything ever.
too bad their new album is a snoozefest
Yea if you have no taste....the new one was better than the first...
3 Libras is an amazing song
you like nickelback
Dominic, The Italian Christmas Donkey
good choice!
Thank you.
angel is by far the bestest song mentioned in this thread.
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