Full Version: GonzoStyle (semicolon)
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GonzoStyle !

Last login date: Dec. 17 2003,12:49 am
He is always among us... like Jesus!
Every move I make on CDIH, I ask myself, What Would Gonzo Do?
When I saw only one set of footprints, that was when he carried me.
John Lennon thinks he's more popular than Gonzo.
when i click on gonzostyle i get the following message:

Ikonboard Message
We could not find this member in our database, it's possible that the member has been removed.

You are currently logged in as drusilla
Yeah, that's been like that as long as I can remember, but when you click the profile button at the bottom of his posts his profile does show up.
His profile is floating around cyberspace; you just gotta know how to grab it. See, Danked knows how to grab it.
I grabbed his thingie, yes.
drusilla Wrote:when i click on gonzostyle i get the following message:

Ikonboard Message
We could not find this member in our database, it's possible that the member has been removed.

You are currently logged in as drusilla
How come nobody mentioned that before?

I think I fixed it.
okie. i was scared :29:
Don't be scurred...
semicolons are sometimes used in place of ", (conjunction). As seen here:

I went to the store, and it was good.
I went to the store; it was good.
Quote:How come nobody mentioned that before?

You were too busy camping with a so-called "female" at the time and said you were too busy, fucko.
Don't hate me cause I found a life.

I still come back here and socialize with you people from time to time do I not?
Does your screename always appear to be idle, too?
Quote:You were too busy camping with a so-called "female" at the time and said you were too busy, fucko.
Jack is getting some? Wow, I'm really lame. :disappointed:
Dude, he's an administrator. Goatweed is one now, and HES MARRIED!

We're gonna have to get you some buttons, buddy.
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