Full Version: The Meaning of Life - YES, THE THREAD TO END ALL THREADS!!!
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Quote:there is no moral or philosophical principle that can be proven to be true, or even to have any meaning.
Quote:They can persue it, as they have the right to it, but that doesnt mean it has any meaning. Its just passing time.

Are your contradicting the first part of your statement, and saying that John Locke's philosophical principle has been proven true? And how do you know that life has no meaning? Are we just here due to a particular set of events occuring? Why did that particular set of events even occur? What started that into motion? We could go all the way to the the point of the Big Bang, when all of the matter of the universe was concentrated into one tiny speck. How did that speck get there? And why did it "bang"? Is there no meaning in that? Why do such a large majority of human beings in the world believe that life is important? Is there no meaning between the difference between an animal and a stone? Is there no meaning between the difference between man and animal? How come we are the only ones who are allowed to enage in thought such as this?
You're getting off-topic. LIFE includes the animals (and if you smoke enough weed, the stone too). You're asking, "Why do we have a soul?" Individual consciousness, if you prefer a less religious term.

Of course, I don't have a good answer for either question.
Quote:Is most work really meaningful?

If you can do something that you truly enjoy and make money and be happy, then by all means do so. However, I think most people really hate having to "work". Nobody, enjoys having some ass wipe telling them what to do, do they? Have you ever seen most people at "work". They don't really look to happy, unless they love what they do.

Money is nice and you can buy nice stuff with, but it really isn't the meaning of life, is it?

Money is , supposedly, the measure by which you describe your value to society, but one's true value to society is the work which they accomplish. Work is most enjoyable when one understands their value to society, and , of course, one would assume that is a person does more important work, then their value to society is greater, and thus that person is more at peace. But how do we deem relevance and/or importance to work? Is it more important to feed a person at McDonalds or is it more important to save the life of a person at a hospital so that the person can continue to eat at McDonalds? It might be more important to feed someone at McDonalds if you were feedings someone as important as an actor or a president than if you were to save the life of a serial killer. But, then again, how do we deem the importance of that person being fed or being saved?
Quote:You're getting off-topic. LIFE includes the animals (and if you smoke enough weed, the stone too). You're asking, "Why do we have a soul?" Individual consciousness, if you prefer a less religious term.

The meaning of life cannot possible go off-topic, because everything is relevant. Life incorporates everthing. The meaning of life should involve an understanding as to why WE are here, now. How did we get here, and why? Are we supposed to do something, and if not, why not, and if so, why?

Do we have a soul? How and why?'d time to drop that philosophy class you're's making your posts actually sound like they really want intelligent thoughts to be posted after them...

Anyway, I took philosophy this semester, and I learned that I don't know anything about the meaning of life or anything at all really. In fact, I know so little about everything that I need to defer my questions to everyone else so that maybe they could enlighten me...

FUCKIN SOCRATES THAT PRICK!'d time to drop that philosophy class you're's making your posts actually sound like they really want intelligent thoughts to be posted after them...

No philosophy class here... just looking for THE MEANING OF LIFE!!!

Cmon, we shall rule the fucking world once we know the meaning of life!! We're all intelligent people here, I'm sure we could scramble together some universal meaning!
Life is a series of dogs.
The Matrix
spooky, the person who posted the meaning of life DOESNT EVEN EXIST HERE ANYMORE.

jayz, i will write a full rebuttal to your comments when i have a little more time here at work.
The meaning of life is to struggle against yourself until death. Life wouldn't have a purpose if we weren't all miserable in some aspect of it and working against the grain and trying to change things. That's my take on things.
Goatweed Wrote:I read it - every word.

the meaning of life is to drink milkshakes while watching midget porno.

you disagree?
Close.It'sdrinking milkshakes while watching midget porn that they are performing in a giant milkshake.
yes!! I was so close!
I think it is important to examine the meaning of a milkshake, as well as the meaning of midget porn, before we can truely understand the meaning behind the two merging together to form such a potent combination.
no, not really - the two were made for each other, it's painfully obvious
not everything has a reason - they just are.

are they working you too hard in Buffalo?
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