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You live in a mansion. You should have a room with midgets making milkshake in between porno shoots.
I tried that, but I kept losing them. They're hard to tie down, and really fucking fast!!
I imagine you in a room, knee deep in ice cream, chasing those lil buggers. I chuckle internally.
that sounds like a Rave gone horribly wrong.
I just pictured you in a black wife beater with glow stix and I can't stop giggling.
I'm wearing a black t-shirt right now - freaky!!!!!

no glow sticks tho.
It's not the same, unless you are really sweaty and are listening to techno while doing wacky little movements with your hands while they are interlocked.
none of the above - and thank god for that.
It'd be pretty silly at that.
we should do the next board hang at a rave - Jays would love that
make sure you bring the Christmas Spirit. :10:
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