Full Version: I can't turn my phone on!
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The Sleeper Wrote:It was a combination of all of them. You are all special in your own way. Never forget that.
it's that extra minute of sunlight today. It's really starting to turn things around for your attitude.

The higher the attitude the higher your altitude
Sleeper was up really early today. I saw it.
I should be so lucky!
No way does that apartment have electricity...
my phone stopped working last night. i think i dropped it or it got wet or something at work. now it'll only turn on if i plug it in, and it tells me to insert sim. the sim thing is in, so i don't know if the phone's broken or just the sim thing. now i have to go buy a new one tomorrow, i don't even know my number at home.
That SIMS games is expensive.

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