Full Version: The dancing red exclamation point
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is amazing - and so much cooler than all of those yellow letters!!!
did you go for lunch in the park today? ;-) ;-) :fuggin:
It's much more lively.
crx girl Wrote:did you go for lunch in the park today? ;-) ;-) :fuggin:
no, but funny you mention it - I brought because the weather forecast was for a nice day, but now I gotta walk to the cd store on broadway 'cause I need new walkman headphones - it's a longer walk than the park, too Smile
Must be nice.
the park? eh, its ok - lots of tourists though.
i have to leave early for work today because i have to buy a new phone. stupid phone. i just had to unplug my computer so i could call the diner for lunch :35:
oh, did i mention i was scheduled to work lunch today too but i just decided not to go in
nice! one thing confuses me tho...

Quote:i have to buy a new phone
Quote:i just had to unplug my computer so i could call the diner for lunch

your phone seems to work - why do you need a new one?
my cell phone is broken. i usually leave my computer plugged in to my phone line, but i had to disconnect so i could use my regular phone. make sense?

ooh, he's choosing the whore over his wife and children!
I had a nice walk - and got the headphones, too :fuggin:
oh my god!!! i just accidentally clicked of the letters. awesome!
You're so easily amused.

Try clicking all of them repeatedly.
what do you think i've been doing for the last 20 minutes
Smoking pot.
you might be right. and i just remembered i got godiva chocolates yesterday!

oh, and as an update, i didn't have to buy a new phone. it's working again now, as long as i never have to call someone with a 0 in their number.
What am I supposed to click?
The dancing red exclamation point
that only adds to its awesomeness!!
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