Full Version: There's a girl at work who is uber-hot - Wears tight sweats that show off her ass
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Pages: 1 2
Not you, I was rolling my eyes at Jack.
Did you at least nail her on the pool table?
Quote:I didn't really go play air hockey, I wanted to be topical.

Exactly. I don't really listen to Clay Aiken. I just wanted to see how many unfunny jokes could be made at my expense.
Yeah, so anyway, I guess I should show my boss some management skill and get this girl to do some more work and become a team player, that way, I'll be able to fuck her. Any suggestions?
GHB in her coffee, nail her in the supply room.
We don't have a supply room.
i'm working all by myself on xmas eve. apparently i've been identified as the nonfamily having workaholic. so, i put it out now, anyone who wants to visit me on this fine religious evening will have free beer. i do however plan on shutting the place the fuck down by 8.
I am merely a Jays
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