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I think I see one. Might just be a bush though.
It was a bush.
I shaved.

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You're silly.
That's a guy in an alpaca suit. Shenanigans.
I actually saw a commercial on television selling alpacas. I thought of HedCold.
i saw the commercial last night. i thought of galt.
That commercial was why I posted the topic in the first place. They are both fun as pets, and profitable as livestock
and kids seem to love them
why wouldn't they? They are so damn huggable. Much like Sleeper
I'm hugging Sleeper next time I see him.
I hope he presses charges.
I'm just gonna hug him.

Good touch... not a bad touch.
I tried to hug Galt and he wanted nothing of it.
Probably a bad touch involved.
I tried hugging galt when he left and he ran away.
That was one of the first few rules: Don't touch Galt.
i got that first hug in at the start of the evening and I smoked on you.

Someone offered me a blanket once made of alpaca fur.
Danked Wrote:I'm hugging Sleeper next time I see him.
be careful, he might spill water on you
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