Full Version: What Did You Get For Christmas?
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Pages: 1 2 3
yall know who
keepin it gangsta..
Did you get your Lacoste hat?
yes sir.
While niggas flirt, I'm sewing tigers on my shirt
and alligators
Ya wanna see the inside, huh, I see ya later
WhackBagKid Wrote:yall know who
keepin it gangsta..
After this post..
Homeland security raised the terror alert from orange to
very, very white.
yes, i am such a wigger!
you are
QuickStop Wrote:
Quote:new rogue squadron game
going back a bit...

too late. i HATE going to ground. i play these to fly, not to use an AT-ST or run around with a blaster.

but at least i can co-op the last game, and somewhere in there is the old three movie arcade game. i still plop far too many quarters in there whenever i see it
don't listen to him fbd, he's just a hater.
only the blacks....only the blacks...
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