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The first "few" was an acronym. If you don't understand what it means then you obviously aren't one of us.

Edited By Galt on 1073079220
Few use few all too few often.
whats an acronymn?
so true, about few
A few of few is like... one.

Just say one.

And few is not an acronym.

Unless you can't spell and you're saying 'fuck every won'...

Galt is a dumby. © DIG
IrishAlkey Wrote:And few is not an acronym.
Oh, but it is.



Few is an acronymn for many.
Somebody failed English.
drusilla Wrote:river?



Say that over and over again and it might rain.
English is a homophone of British
I feel the need to use the word onomatopoeia.
Down the hall, second door on the left.
Dice isn't God... you are.
Quote:I will make it my life's work to destroy him if he tells.

that would be like bizarro world arpi destroying the real arpi.
Oh man, remember in superman 3 when the pussy superman fought the cool drunk, sex fiend superman? That was OFF DA HOOK!!!111
please remember that since i figure prominently in almost half of the top ten this thread is an homage to me
Diane Keaton is featured prominently in the Godfather films.
So does Talia Shire.
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