Full Version: Clifford - who here has seen this fine film?
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yeah. I don't know who did it, but they did it really quick. I thought it was quite witty. Of course I wasn't going to compliment anyone for fear that they will band together and pretend that one of the idiots like Hottie or Brain were responsible for it.
who did what?
clifford is on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND!!!!!

im watching it right now and i will watch it over and over!

& rizzo was the best
Quote:& rizzo was the best

one week! :5:
Confusedmokey: :bouncer: Confusedmokey: :bouncer: :bouncer: Confusedmokey: :bouncer: :banana: :bouncer: Confusedmokey: :banana: :bouncer: Confusedmokey: :bouncer: :banana: :loveya: :5: :bouncer:
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