Full Version: Remember these? - Sig Pic War!!!
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Quote:Everything you have done the last year has been old. Your humor is old, your pictures are old, your clueless behavior while pretending to know what is going on is old.

I understand you and k1d wanted to post pictures, cause you were considered cool back then. Your sig pics were great and you were liked but then you started to actually post more words and less pics. You're like a really hot chick who is admired from afar whom you approach then quickly lose interest in when she opens her mouth. Atleast k1d was entertaining without having to post pictures.
I like Kid.
Is there another bus to our point. I apparently missed this one.
You're like a big teddy bear that makes pictures and says cool stuff.
Snuggles doesn't live here anymore.
Fuck Snuggles! We have you!
4 with 4 votes
I think that's from the last time the whole popularity poll was around.
Did Gooch actually break down and beg "leave me alone"?
I, for one, have thoroughly enjoyed this thread.

Thank you.
Galt wants to fuck you and I might too. Clear your calander.
who, me? I'm not that kind of girl.
you're not a girl at all, are you? Come clean or else we'll have to rape the faggot out of you!
shit, i never realized that was a topic of contention. No, i'm not, and i have no faggot in me to be raped out.
now you see why i called you kenspen?

Edited By HedCold on 1073163809
I get it, and sadly, cannot argue.
This conversation has gotten ugly and is offensive. Mr. Galt is sorely lacking in moral fiber.
its just a message board.
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