Full Version: MIP Seating Only - Everyone else, STAY OUT!
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But I am the MIP.

Go sit in The Shit section.
relax dood, you got your nifty new status

don't let it go to your head, it's not attractive
But I'm not attractive to begin with. :9:
Dru has the greatest sig.

It's greater than Jays in 2003.
its that kind of attitude that will make usurping your new found glory that much easier

and Im much more handsomer than you too
see, cause it's attractive
That's it. This is the MIP section, and it's mine until next year, so GET OUT!!!!
I would have been a shoo-in for M.I.P.
If i had improved.
Or posted.
me too

I will post more in 2004
just about all of my posts occured in the yeard 2003.

Thats the goal.
then that means you can't post any more
I'll never win Most Improved again, though.

I'll never suck as much as I did before the award. That I promise.
Your status almost gave me an anuerysm.
Fuck, then I have failed
Yeah, your winning MIP, may be the worst thing to ever happen.
its all downhill from here
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