Full Version: 22 Greatest MCs of All Time - What that FUCK!?!?!?!
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#22 – Chuck-D
#21 – Method Man
#20 – Queen Latifah
#19 – LL. Cool J.
#18 – Foxy
#17 – Common
#16 – Snoop
#15 – KRS-One
#14 – Run – DMC
#13 – DMX
#12 – Nelly
#11 – Big Pun
#10 – Missy Elliot
#9 – Beastie Boys
#8 – Lil’ Kim
#7 – Dre
#6 – Rakim
#5 – Jay-Z
#4 – Nas
#3 – Eminem
#2 – Biggie
#1 – TuPac

How the fuck does Eminem beat out Jay-Z?

Why isn't Ice Cube on the list and Foxy Brown is? Lest we forget, Cube wrote Straight out of Compton. Not the song, but nearly the entire album.

Big Pun? Yeah, he was "a'ight", but he couldn't have done shit without Fat Joe.

Li'l Kim? Yeah, as if...

There's Method Man and I don't want to take anything away from him, but where's RedMan? He'd surely win out over Nelly.

I think this list, much like most of these lists, is full of shit and lacks foundation in reality.

However, I admit that any list of opinion is so subjective that an argument can be made against it.
How the fuck do Run and DMC end up so far down the list, just on influence alone they should be in the top ten..
source please?
MTV2 was the source
oh god, this list isnt even worth arguing about. Kid, post your own list. I hold you in much higher esteem.
I'm gonna have to work on my list. This is not something that you whip up in 5 minutes.
mtv2, cmon. thats like z100 compiling a list of listenable music.

#22 – Chuck-D
#21 – Method Man
#20 – Capone
#19 – Keith Murray
#18 – Noreaga
#17 – Cannibus
#16 – Plug 1
#15 – Erick Sermon
#14 – Redman
#13 – DMX
#12 – Snoop
#11 – Run
#10 – KRS One
#9 – Beastie Boys
#8 – Ice Cube
#7 – Dre
#6 – Rakim
#5 – Jay-Z
#4 – Nas
#3 – Eminem
#2 – Pac
#1 – Biggie

Andre 3000 and Big Boi have to fit somewhere on that list.
Like I said, my list is forthcoming.
Ooh I wanna make one too!!!
Where the hell is LL Cool J?
LL Cool J certainly does not make my list of top 22 MCs. He sucks!!!
You simply can't be serious. Have you seen how he licks his lips?
he's soft. he's one of those R&B style rappers. he was good back in the days of Radio but he's a big pussy now.
Pussy???? Have you seen his abs? In that video where he has his shirt off? I think he also licks his lips in that one too.
he was pretty cool in SWAT
LL is at 19, burnout.
I saw this list months ago.
Good for you. Did you have anything to ADD to the thread?
just that the fact that Eminem is #3 and ahead of Nas completely invalidates this list.
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