Full Version: Yakov destroyed CDIH!
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Pages: 1 2
I shall gloat about this for years to come.
is this guy even around anymore?
Road trip to Missouri!
he looks like he's wearing a wild Cosby sweater.
Then you should appreciate the greatness.
I never said I didn't - who knew Yakov was this powerful?
In my hands, a glue stick could take over a large island.
In Soviet Russia, Cosby sweaters wear you!!!!

(how was that?)
I think we should all come to the realization that this is now a Yakov fan site.

It's a new year. Time to rebuild. Think of all the new members? These forums will flow with the blood of 1,000 Yakov followers.
1,000 is a little high, don't you think?
I'm banking on a ton of mail order brides.
I'll take 2.
Another convert...

The transition will be smoother than the smoothest smooth thing you've ever felt and thought, "hey, this is smooth".
As smooth as dannon yogurt?
I demand to be referred to as YIG from this point forward.
Then you can wear a baseball hat sideways and we'll all call you a "yigger".
Oh, the fun times i forsee.
In Soviet Russia, beef jerky makes you!
Cold Day the Yakov Way!
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