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anyone gonna watch this tonight? I thought of Galt right away when I heard about this show. It's over a dozen people competing to work for THE Donald, Mr. trump himself. The premise is fascinating, it has potential.

Then again the Rose interview is also on.
A girl I know was on Stern this morning with Mr. Trump. She just started as an intern at the show and Trump was hitting on her.
i hear trump has them setup lemonade stands with $250 seed money, the teams are men versus women.
when is it on? I'll make sure I'm home for it.
NBC 8:30
whens pete on?
I most certainly will not be watching. why is this premise fascianting? sounds like any other dumb reality show.
Hence why you will never have hair as cool as THE Donald's.
sam gave me serious douche chills
women are so catty
Quote:A girl I know was on Stern this morning with Mr. Trump. She just started as an intern at the show and Trump was hitting on her.
she has a jazz musician boyfriend
it's ok if we flame them, right?
I tuned in late so I missed THE Donald.
I totally missed it - I'll catch the rerun
I was talkin about Howard
sorry - people still listen to him?
I do.
Yes. She has a jazz musician boyfriend. She's really not very attractive at all. She's OK. It's just that she's blonde and about 5'10". She's rather annoying, and tough she's thin, I think she's pretty doughy and probably doesn't have much of a body.

In regards to Trump, his apartment is absolutely awful. It was so graudy and opulent. Everything with gold and shit. It looked like Liberace lived there.

Horrible horrible horrible.
His girlfriend is pretty hot tho.
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