Full Version: The newest addition to my DVD collection...
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Shaft in Africa.

Who wants to touch me?
I haven't watched it yet. I don't even know if I'm going to. I think I'm just going to leave it on my coffeetable as a conversation piece.
put it next to a dildo. that will strike up a conversation like nobodys business
Waaaaay ahead of you.
good job, my friend
Wanna come over for coffee? We could have some fascinating conversations.
can we have entimen's ultimate crumb cake?
don't forget to put it on Guzzlefish!
QuickStop Wrote:can we have entimen's ultimate crumb cake?
Sure! You don't discuss Shaft in Africa over any ordinary crumb cake.

Quote:don't forget to put it on Guzzlefish!
Waaaaaay ahead of you.
this is gonna ROCK!
but do you have superfly & foxy brown on dvd?
Soft baked milk chocalate chip cookies as well. Only the best pour vous.
cause if you don't I can like bring it over and we can watch it while we discuss your coffee table stuff.... hi?
You'll have to ask Quickstop.
how much was it?
Until your get the Troll/Troll 2 double disc, available at Best Buy for 9.99, I shall not touch you, Danked.
I'll bring the apple crumb doughnuts!!! I can come, right? Undecided
The Sleeper Wrote:how much was it?
Nothin'. It was the gift I got in the White Elephant exchange we did among my friends for Christmas. Kinda like secret santa but you're allowed to steal items from someone who unwrapped before you. My contribution was Chia Bart. They ran out of Chia Homer.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I'll bring the apple crumb doughnuts!!! I can come, right? Undecided
I don't know. Three's kind of a crowd...
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