Full Version: Where can I find old wrestling threads?
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Pages: 1 2
I wanna read old wrestling threads. What forum are they in?
why you hogging all the wrestling threads? make me mod for an hour, i wanna read
it's not in the mod forum. If the link doesn't work, use the pulldown menu on the bottom.
us regular people have no access to the archives
Yeah, so make me a mod for an hour.
that's odd, then why is it in the secret forum area? Jack???
ok try the link now
what does that mean?
It says f= 5
we should just bring back the wrestling forum and dump this forum, no matter how bad wrestling sucks it's always better than SBTB.
and you wonder why I'm mean to you
it's true
We've gotten a little too silly with the forum page.
I've don't even remember anything about Dirty Work.

So it couldn't have been that good.
I thought it was pretty good.
dead hookers in cadillac trunks!
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