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he doesn't make over $150
That's like a lower income family in Staten Island.
or Westchester, or many parts of Long Island, Manhattan, and Brooklyn
Outside of the Tri-State area, like in Western NY, $100,000 gets you on the Local Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous show on public access. They protest in front of their trailers, and tell them to stop being such greedy corporate fat cats.
Arpi should join the Buffalo Sabres board.
If I wanted to, I could have outbid JP Morgan for BankOne.
Godlike. Tom Golisano got nutting on Arpi.
i'll be breaking 100k by year end with my next 6% raise
Can I live with you?
yes, two apts in my building are opening up, including the one right next door!
can I live with both of you?
I'll let you keep some stuff in a shoebox but you can't actually live with us.
Many many many sales people at my company make more than a million dollars a year. Of course, there's no chance of me reaching that point, since by the time I've been here long enough to have that kind of account control, they will have cut commissions drastically.
Oh man, I will be so pimp by default.
We'll be like back-up singers.
Galt Wrote:Even in his lies, I bet he doesn't make more than $150.
just a touch more actually, :Confusedticking tongue out with thumbs in ears while waggling fingers::
I wanted to move in with alkey once but he turned me down...
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