Full Version: Another Cinematic Masterpiece - that all of you should view!
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this is gonna be amazing.
you should worry about a great white hype dvd first. where are your priorities!?
I actually got great white hype on dvd, it was from china but besides the box being in chinese the movie is perfect and in engrish.

It was only 3 bucks.
i'm jealous
as well you should be!!

It was Damon Wayans finest hour, along with celtic pride.

Plus it made a star of Samuel L. Jackson.
class act, on HBO right now!!!!!!!!!!!!
goddamn that movie rules.
i KNOOOOOOOOOOW you arent sittin in my favorite seat...
i knooooooooooooooooooooooooow you arent sittin in my second favorite seat.

you want me to pay you to sit in this chair?
NO, i want you to pay me for the privlidge not to sit there, on the floor.

wedge calls me popsicle because im cool...but im sloppy.

Edited By HollywoodFreddieMitchell on 1130425720
remember that petition to get it on DVD? good times!
how'd that work out?
I'm still fighting the good fight!
at least I have my hudson hawk dvd.
you and 3 other people...
i would pay someone to transfer class act from vhs ---> dvd.
HBO starting at 145. Class Act.
HBO Family - right now!
I love the live updates, I should start a hudson hawk one.
you could, but :

1) its never on
2) it stinks
godfather is never on, does that mean it sucks?
no, it's TOO good to be put on all the time.
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