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for some reason i can't call jorge with microsoft portrait. i can call his computer at home, but not the one he has away at school in grenada. does anyone know why?
where do these companies come up with these names? yes, of course, portrait is the first word that comes to mind when I'm video phoning with a person.
fascinating reply. but it does nothing for me.
Like eMule and eDonkey. These names make no sense!! Its those fucking Mac people that started it. Safari, YES! That's the name for a browser!
i like that name - it can be an animal search engine!
there's no animals in search engines!
you can search for lions, & tigers, & bears!
i'm losing my mind
That's what you get for talking to me.
save me
um, either make time go by really really fast, or find out how to make microsoft portrait work.
i thought we'd be ms painting ourselves in this thread...
no you didn't
i honestly did
If he's on a school campus, chances are there's some sort of firewall or proxy server and this is what's stopping you from connecting to him. Either that, or my plan is working wonderfully.
^^^^^^^what K1d said.
DAMN YOU K1D A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

does anyone know a way around the firewall?
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