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"How the fuck do you feed a tree..give it a ham sandwich..?"
BeckyDC Wrote:"How the fuck do you feed a tree..give it a ham sandwich..?"
THAT was fuckin funny.
Yeah man..
:bouncer: An hour to go!
'twas a great show. sharon is such a cunt. but, she's likeable though.

overall, this episode proved a few things...

sharon's a cunt
jack's a fag
kelly's a dumb bitch
ozzy's lost his fucking mind
This is still the funniest thing on TV. I laugh harder every week.
My fave part of the show was when they were blasting the music at the neighbors and woke up Kelly and she tells Jack she's sleeping and he tells her she's not. Reminded me so much of me and my brother.

What was up with Sharon farting on Jack's stuffed animal?
forget her farting on it. what about that fact that he hugged it afterwards?
Okay, you got me on that one. What about the fact that when they were insulting Sharon, Jack just stood there and didn't even defend her.

Loved Kelly getting mad about going to the "vagina" doctor and Ozzy offering to go for her.

I stand by my previous statement of wanting Ozzy to be my new daddy.
"I'll got ot the gynocologist and they can look at my vagina"
"...because I feel like a bit of a cunt."
the osbournes are on now!!! in case you can't find anythig else, it;'s from 2 weeks ago, kelli's b-day. i'm sure there'll be another epsiode to follow.
see good thing cunt-twat is here, i lost my tv-guide :lol:
thanks for the heads up guys, i need to catch up on last weeks episode. looks like the neighbors are listening to that european sex music and they're gonna counter with blasting some sabbath. hi-jinks are about to ensue.
well, i'm gla to help everyone out. but i don't think lasts week's episode was that funny. i'm watching it again now, but not laughing like i usually do! i hope the osbournes aren't sinking ship!
they're on again tonight at 10:30, don't forget!! ozzy gets a personal trainer!!
tonights gonna be hilarious. IM GETTING IN SHAPE! Big Grin
It was kinda boring tonight...I don't even think I really laughed... Sad
Ozzy falling over in his chair might be my favorite moment of the entire season so far.
I laughed, I cried, Ozzy as Christina was so fucking hot!
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