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half of classic comedy duo

M _ A _ _

Car bars

A _ L _ _ (last space is probably an S)
Quote:half of classic comedy duo

M _ A _ _
ok this is MEARA

so it's now

Ones with homes away from home

E _ _ L E S

maybe it is eagles
I'd sooner be able to tell where the Russians plan to detonate a nuclear bomb.
Quote:Car bars

A _ L _ _ (last space is probably an S)


and that makes the home away from home one, EXILES. life is good!
still doing the sunday times? i finished that sunday night
you're a dork. just tell me the boquet one.
Are you sure you spelled "boquet" as they wrote it?
bouquet, i missed a u
you silly fuck!!!
The Sleeper Wrote:you're a dork. just tell me the boquet one.
you will never learn if you dont do it yourself. by the way, the ones you are asking for help with were the easiest ones in the puzzle. you suck at crosswords
ooof, insulting my crossword puzzle skills. NO YOU DIDN'T
well I'm sorry I'm not a homosexual, thus not knowing another term for spraying with bouquet.
nevermind, I am gay. AIR FRESHER!!!!
bonnets hold hair
sounds of understanding would be OKs, or maybe ays
Push = move?

I don't know any of the hard ones; and even these are probably wrong.
sounds of understanding was AHS
bonnets might work
push is now _ R _ E so move wouldn't work.
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