Full Version: Peanut Butter Ice Cream - So good
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I'm eating a half gallon of peanut butter ice cream. I am in heaven.
put some real peanut butter in there. it's good
theres both peanut butter flavored ice cream and peanut butter! Together!
i think bnj's p/b cup is the best p/b icecream.
Ben and Jerry can blow me simultaneously, and I still won't buy their fucking ice cream.
how do you keep that girlish figure?
I have sex with women. That's how.
Either Ben or Jerry almost stepped on my head at a Phish show. I'm just lyin there, waiting for the acid to kick in, next thing I know there's a Birkenstock coming down on me.

Ben and Jerry can take their ice cream and charge five dollars for a pint of ice cream somewhere else. Breyers Ice Cream for me.
tell me if i'm wrong but i get the feeling you don't like ben and jerry's icr cream...
ice cream isnt to be eaten in the winter. sheesh!
I enjoy a pint of Ben & Jerry's every once in awhile. I buy a random flavor, stick it in the freezer, and just pick at it for a week or two.
aRGH!!!! Can we sell out?? Please? Just a lil. I want to sell out!