Full Version: i need to know.....
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Black Lazerus Wrote:you should check his join date stupid
I hope you're better at catching a train than you are at catching the poin
Yeah, the point wasn't that the post was good. The point was that it was posted twice whereby it increased my post count while maintaining a level of quality quite on par with your own.

I never said the post didn't suck, only that you missed the point. Which, you clearly did. Good day.
sad, very sad indeed.
you used to be able to maintain a small level of believability in your bombastic arguments. even this has left you.
I said good day.
i rarely, almost never, listen to what you say.

on another note, the socks i wore today were very itchy.
Quote:on another note, the socks i wore today were very itchy.
the horror!
i know!! they will be relegated to the back of the drawer in the future.
anything else relegated to the back of the drawer?
a pair of funny underwear an ex-girlfriend got me. nuff said about those.
i think not.
they have little wittle hearts on them?
funny underwear= panties
arpi wears heart underwear!
i do not!! they are in the back of the drawer. red silk boxers with white hearts. i have never worn them, ever.

oh christ, i am so gonna regret this.
Of all the things you've posted, THIS is the thing you regret?
[Image: screechhearts.jpg]

Edited By HedCold on 1075360077
so when arpi says they're not that color, here's my pre-emptive "meh"
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