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of all the things you have done here, those are the only 2 accomplishments you can think of?
I remember her vanishing suddenly but I don't remember you saying anything nasty to her, and as far as the board goes, my memory is SLASHesque. Give me links!
i find my accomplishment of making arpi leave far more impressive.
drusilla Wrote:of all the things you have done here, those are the only 2 accomplishments you can think of?
hey! i also ran seph off the board and finished kens work on OAS.
seph was a great contributor to the board. i miss his posts.
hey! give me proof you ran polly off or pay the price!
look it up yourself, lazy ass!
a full investigation is underway, I just figured I'd give you the chance to prove yourself
she was already beaten by then. it was a last gasp. i ran her off long before and she made a few token posts after.
likely story, since you remember this so vividly, it is your responsibility to prove it. otherwise I have won and called you on your bullshittery.
this is why

No means no arpi
i find it more humorous he takes pride in allegedly bagging such an easy kill.
not pride, merely counting them off.
OH SHIT! This story just took a dark twisted turn. Arpi., what do you have to say for yourself?
yes, it was me. i raped her.
The Sleeper Wrote:CASE CLOSED!
dirty copper! you may have won this time but they aint built a prison yet that can hold me. i will get out , and when i do its curtains for you!
If you try and break out I'll box yer ears I will!
now you are just posting to try and catch up to me. it will never work
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